Tuesday 9 February 2016

Week 1 - Initial Ideas

As part of the second year of our Multimedia Journalism degree, we must create an interactive documentary on any topic of our choice in a team of five.

Our team is comprised of:

Project Director - Emma Lawford
Graphic Designer - Annie Hopson
Social Media Producer - Abbie Rogers
Content Producer - Tillie Dee and Libby Mewes

After researching existing interactive documentaries, we were aware of all of the different models we could use when creating our own. 

After long discussions surrounding topic ideas, we have settled on the daily pressures teenage girls face. We feel this could be an interesting topic as there are a lot of issues to be confronted and it also gives us scope to film from a point of view angle, taking the user on the journey with us. 

The pressures we want to focus on are thin idealizations and body image, the idea of 'make up is beauty', friendships/popularity and boys/relationships. These are issues that all teenage girls encounter, including us! This will help us gather information and also be able to expand on personal experience.

In terms of models, we are looking to use a concentric narrative.

We look forward to start filming!

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